Chandler MHM

Chandler MHM holds Webinar on “Practical implications of Thai Overnight Repurchase Rate (THOR)” as part of its Webinar Series

On 26 November 2021, Chandler MHM held a Webinar on “Practical implications of Thai Overnight Repurchase Rate (THOR)” as part of its Webinar Series. The presenters from Chandler MHM were Tip-apa Limvichai, Disaporn Saengpetch and Varisa Soonyakanit.

THOR is a new reference rate for overnight lending enabling calculation of interest on each loan repayment due date using the ‘Compounding in Arrears’ method. This replaces the Thai reference rate known as Thai Baht Interest Rate Fixing (THBFIX) (a swap-implied rate which uses USD LIBOR as one of the calculation inputs). The speakers looked at specific examples of clauses which are impacted by the transition.

The Webinar was well received with positive feedback and high level of attendance from a broad range of organizations.

If you would like to contact the presenters please click on the links above. If you would like a copy of the presentation slides please contact our business development team at